Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

The Real Winner

Once upon a time, in the jungle lived many kinds of animals. There lived a turtle who wanted to run as fast as rabbit. One day, turtle challenged rabbit to run race. The rabbit said “yes” for turtle challenged.
The day for race came.
5 minutes before the race, turtle gave a glass of drink for rabbit and rabbit drank it. Then they started to run. The rabbit ran fast as usual. The turtle left behind. But, not long after the race began, the rabbit suddenly felt so sleepy. He tried to keep his eyes on, but his sleepiness can’t be handled anymore, so he decided to sleep just for a while under a filicium tree. The turtle was so happy by seeing the rabbit slept.
On the filicium tree there was a monkey. The monkey was surprised to see the rabbit was sleeping. She knew that before the race, turtle gave a drink to rabbit. She thought that the drink had given  poison! Then she went to her house and took a bottle of liquid.
Didn’t need long time for the monkey to reach the rabbit. She drank the liquid to the rabbit. The rabbit opened his eyes and thanked the monkey. The rabbit started to run again. The turtle almost reached the finish line. The rabbit accelerated his speeds up. The turtle realized that the rabbit had got up. He ran as fast as he could. The rabbit was hearer to him. Another two meters was the finish line. The turtle was so panic.
The rabbit stopped on the finish line. The rabbit won!
Every animal in the jungle cheered for the rabbit. The monkey came and smiled to the turtle. The turtle felt so sorry. He had cheated and he lost. The rabbit was the real winner!

NB: Ini adalah kisah nyata yang diimplisitkan. Fabel ini pernah aku ceritakan di depan teman-teman sekelas waktu ujian praktik Bahasa Inggris kelas XII yang tugasnya membuat mindmap kemudian dibuat story telling.

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